I was a 7st skeleton and a week from death at 23 after snorting ‘party drug’ every hour for a year

I was a 7st skeleton and a week from death at 23 after snorting ‘party drug’ every hour for a year

WHEN Fergus Thompson was offered ketamine during a night out with friends aged 17 he “immediately loved” the class B drug.

Within two years, the now 23-year-old was routinely using, claiming it was a cheaper alternative to alcohol.


Fergus Thompson was first offered ketamine during a night out with friends aged 17Credit: Kennedy News
A young man sits on a bed, appearing thin and unwell.


Within two years he was routinely using it every hour of every dayCredit: Kennedy News
Mirror selfie of a young man showing his physique.


He became a 7st skeleton and his liver failedCredit: Kennedy News

He blew £2,000 a month snorting ketamine “every hour” – but almost died when he became a 7st skeleton and his liver failed.

Shortly after his addiction began, the insurance administrator noticed his drug use was having an impact on his bladder, and began managing his pain levels by self-medicating with more ketamine.

Chronic ketamine usage can affect the lining of the bladder, leading to an increase in the frequency of needing to urinate, infections, bleeding, blockages and incontinence.

At the height of his addiction, Fergus was forking out £2,400 a month on his drug habit, using ketamine every hour of every day for a year and averaging just three hours sleep a week.

Read more on drug addiction

The toll on Fergus’ health soon went from bad to worse after entering stage-two liver failure, prompting doctors to consider a transplant.

Fergus, who lives in Durham, dropped down to just 7st and was left with just 10 per cent of his bladder at working capacity.

After suffering an accidental overdose, Fergus was told by concerned doctors he was ‘a week from death’ before being urgently admitted to hospital, sparking his sobriety journey.

Fergus, from Durham, County Durham, said: “I liked going on nights out. I was always the person that didn’t do any sorts of drugs.

“The first time I took ketamine was in clubs in Newcastle. It was an immediate love for it.

“It was actually cheaper to get ketamine than pay for loads of drinks.

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“My nights out would be really cheap and it was really easy to get a hold of. You woke up the next day feeling really fresh, there was no hangover.

“I started using it very recreationally, maybe once when I went out to a rave.”

Fergus’ casual drug habit soon began to escalate when he started using ketamine daily.

Fergus said: “If I was just going on a dog walk for the day, I thought ‘why don’t I make this more fun and take a bit of ket?’ It hardly cost me anything.

“My thought process was if I could have a better time, why not?

“I was taking it if I had plans that day, having it at meals, going out for day drinks, going on dates, going around to someone’s house to watch a movie.”

If I was just going on a dog walk for the day, I thought ‘why don’t I make this more fun and take a bit of ket?’

Fergus Thompson

Fergus soon started to experience crippling bladder pain, leading to multiple trips to A&E and causing him to increase his drug use to help manage his symptoms.

At 20, Fergus’ symptoms became so severe that he underwent a procedure to help stretch his reduced bladder.

Fergus said: “I started getting really skinny and losing a lot of weight. At 20, I was a very heavy user, spending £600 a week on ketamine.

“The pain was constantly there. I had to take time off work because I physically couldn’t work.

“I was taking 40g of ketamine a week, taking one line of ketamine every single hour of every single day, which lasted a year. I got around three hours of sleep a week.

“I was constantly high, the only time I would sleep was due to physical exhaustion. My family were very distressed and didn’t really know what to do.

I had to have a toilet in my room next to my bed because I couldn’t walk five metres to the toilet, it was so physically exhausting

Fergus Thompson

“My bladder had been so fried and exhausted that I went down to around 10 per cent capacity of what it should be. I was going to the toilet every 20 minutes.

“I wasn’t eating. I lost the taste in my mouth, my eyes went yellow. I went down to 7st in three months, I was an absolute skeleton.

“I had to have a toilet in my room next to my bed because I couldn’t walk five metres to the toilet, it was so physically exhausting.”

At just 21, Fergus was told he was in stage-two liver failure and was admitted to hospital for a month in November 2023 after suffering an accidental overdose.

Fergus said: “I was having overdoses daily. My body couldn’t keep up with what I was doing. At that point, I had accepted I would die from ketamine.

“I was briefed on possible liver replacement and bladder removal.

A young man in a hospital bed wearing an oxygen mask.


Fergus’ symptoms became so severe that he underwent a procedure to help stretch his reduced bladderCredit: Kennedy News
A man holding a small dachshund puppy.


Fergus has remained free of ketamine for the last 14 months and is now slowly building is life back upCredit: Kennedy News

“My mum found me unresponsive in bed and I had to be carried to hospital. I didn’t want to go in and my doctor said ‘you will probably be dead in a week’s time if you don’t come in’.

“Being admitted for a month was the best thing that happened to me.

“It was the first time in years I was sober. I felt like a new person by the end of it. It just started my journey towards recovery and never looked back.”

Fergus has remained free of ketamine for the last 14 months – and admits he regrets ever taking the class B drugs six years ago.

Fergus said: “I started slowly building my life back up. I calculated how much I’d spent on ketamine in my life and it was around £40,000.

“I still have pains because I’ve done irreversible damage to my body. I take 10 different tablets a day. I’m grateful for how much they [the pains] have calmed down.

“I regret ever taking it, I wouldn’t want anyone to go through what I did.”


If you think that you have a drug addiction then please contact your GP.

You can also visit FRANK for honest information about drugs and to find local treatment services.

If you are having trouble finding the right help, call the FRANK drugs helpline on 03001236600

Or click here to visit the NHS website for more advice and support

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