Sex that binge eats more while watching TV revealed in study – and ‘lower self-control may be to blame’

Sex that binge eats more while watching TV revealed in study – and ‘lower self-control may be to blame’

WOMEN binge-eat more than men while watching telly, a study found.

Both sexes scoffed more as they sat glued to a box set or Netflix movie but females were found to be more gluttonous.


Studies show women scoff more while watching television compared to menCredit: Getty

Researchers believe it is because they may experience stronger cravings and have lower self-control.

Their review of 23 previous studies found TV viewers had a significantly increased food intake compared with those who ate without watching a screen.

And the type of device did not make a difference, meaning TVs, computers and phones could all affect eating habits.

Dr Yang Zhao, part of a research team from Singapore, China and the US, said: “People who watch TV while eating tend to consume food more mindlessly, paying less attention to the signals of fullness.


“This is particularly evident in women and may be from psychological elements of eating behaviours and self-control.

“Compared to males, females appear to eat more under stress and they also experience more frequent cravings.”

Last year, a YouGov poll found that eating dinner on the sofa is now equally as popular as sitting at the table.

Experts have warned that eating while distracted can increase the risk of weight gain, making some people more likely to develop conditions such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

Dietitian Dr Carrie Ruxton, who was not involved in the study, said: “Watching a screen is a sure-fire way to boost your calorie intake as you will happily munch away and ignore all the usual cues that tell you that you’re full.”

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I’d binge on bread, cakes, sweets and French Fancies until I couldnt breathe
A couple sits on a couch, smiling and sharing a bowl of popcorn while watching TV.


It is claimed women possess less self-control and have stronger cravings than menCredit: Getty

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