Teenager ‘got pregnant from oral sex’ according to medical journal that claims another explanation is impossible
IN a medical anomaly, a teenage girl without a vaginal opening became pregnant via oral sex after a series of bizarre events.
The 15-year-old from Lesotho, in Southern Africa, was admitted to a hospital with severe intermittent abdominal pain, that felt strangely like contractions.
To her utter disbelief, routine testing revealed these were in fact labour pains, as she was pregnant.
Doctors writing in the British Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, then discovers the teen had no vaginal opening, a rare defect that only affects between 4,000 to 10,000 newborn girls.
In theory, this should have made it impossible for the teen to get pregnant without technologies like in vitro fertilization (IVF).
The condition, called vaginal atresia, also made it impossible for her to give birth through her vagina.
This meant doctors had to perform a C-section to deliver the baby, which turned out to be a healthy 6.2-pound boy.
The case, which dates back to 1988, has recently resurfaced, following a report of a Scottish woman who thought she had a burst appendix, only to discover she was pregnant – and gave birth 40 minutes later.
At the time of writing, medics treating the girl in Lesotho were puzzled as to how the teen had become pregnant.
The girl claimed that in the months leading up to the birth, she noticed her body changing shape.
But because she did not have a vaginal opening and had not engaged in penetrative vaginal sex, she “did not believe she was pregnant”.
The doctors learned that nine months before she had attended hospital for a stab wound to her stomach region shortly after giving oral sex.
At that time, she confided in a nurse that her ex-boyfriend had violently attacked her in what they described as a “mini war” when he caught her with her current partner.
The experts decided the sperm she swallowed somehow made its way to her reproductive organs through her stab wounds, leading to the unexpected pregnancy.
“The fact that the son resembled the father excluded it as an even more miraculous conception,” they added.
What makes this pregnancy even more surprising is that stomach acid is usually strong enough to kill sperm quickly, making it unable to fertilize an egg.
The medical team’s most “plausible” explanation is that the sperm survived because the girl was malnourished at the time of the attack.
They believe this lowered the acidity in her stomach, allowing the sperm to travel through her stab wounds and reach her uterus, where it fertilized the egg.