Tell us: are finances shared in your relationship, and if not, why not? | Money

Tell us: are finances shared in your relationship, and if not, why not? | Money

For many couples, shared finances are no longer the default model – even when living together or combining other assets.

Coming to a mutual agreement about finances both parties are happy with is however important in a relationship, and with the cost of living rising, many couples report that financial pressures have put a strain on their relationship.

At the same time, the gender pay gap and the gender pension gap remain stubbornly in place in many countries, and millions of women have unwillingly quit work or reduced their hours because of childcare in recent years.

We’re interested to hear how you are navigating the topic of money in your relationship, whether you and your partner share finances in part or in full or keep them separate, and how you feel your approach is working, for yourself and for your partner.

What has influenced your and your partner’s decision to share or separate your finances, and is the topic a conflict in your relationship? Tell us.

Share your experience

Tell us how you handle money with your partner, and whether you and your partner are happy with the approach.

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