The common bathroom item you should never use – as expert warns it could trigger tinnitus

The common bathroom item you should never use – as expert warns it could trigger tinnitus

THOSE struggling to hear may believe a cotton bud may be the easiest way to shift wax build-up.

But folk are being urged to stop for fear they could cause serious long-term damage.


Frank McGrath, owner of Tinnitus Care Clinics, has warned against the popular habit of poking ears with a cotton budCredit: Kennedy News Media

Instead of whipping away the offending substance, the “dangerous” beauty tool could end up pushing the wax too far in, even damaging the eardrum and lead to tinnitus.

Tinnitus is a distressing condition, affecting up to 10 million people in the UK.

It causes a range of symptoms including ringing, buzzing, whooshing and humming sounds.

Around 500,000 people in the UK have a ‘debilitating’ version of the condition, according to tinnitus specialist Frank McGarth, which leaves them unable to work, sleep and even function daily.

Tinnitus can be so severe that it can lead to depression, alcoholism, addiction and even suicide.

Frank, owner of Tinnitus Care Clinics, is raising awareness of the various common ways a person can inadvertently damage their hearing as part of Tinnitus Awareness Week (Feb 3 – Feb 9).

Firstly using cotton buds to clear out your ear can damage the eardrum and trigger tinnitus if the wax is poked too far into the ear.

He’s urging people to skip DIY methods to clean their ears and always go to a professional.

Thrillseekers are also at risk, with pressure from planes and watersports leaving people could damage a person’s hearing, and even burst their eardrum in severe cases.

Frank advises flyers to try and induce yawning and swallowing to ‘pop’ their ears when they feel they are blocked during a flight.

Moment doctors make VERY grim discovery inside patient’s ear during routine wax removal after she couldn’t hear properly

While people who enjoy sports such as diving and scuba-diving risk bursting their eardrum due to the water pressure.

Loud music at gigs is another culprit, with Frank urging music lovers to steer clear of speakers while enjoying their favourite band.

Even when not attending gigs, he advises against using headphones to drown out environment noises, as music above recommended volume can harm the eardrum too.

Frank said: “Q-tips are dangerous.

“They are made for one person to use on another person’s ear and that’s how they should be used.

“They’re not designed for a person to blindly poke their own ear when they can’t see where it’s going and how deep it’s going and could end up compacting wax and material that’s in there already.

Pile of cotton swabs with light blue handles.


The beauty tool could end up pushing the wax too far in, damaging the eardrum and leading to tinnitusCredit: Getty – Contributor

“You might get some wax out but you’re pushing more into your ear drum.

“See a professional, whatever it costs, it is far less costly than suffering unnecessary damage to your ear or hearing.”

From creased lobes to itchiness – what your ears can reveal about your health

IT turns out ears do a lot more than help us hear.

From what creased lobes mean for your ticker, to how wax could be a warning sign of deadly cancer – ears are able to reveal a lot about the state of your health.

Here we delve into the signs and symptoms of six different conditions that can affect your ears, but reveal much more…


If you’re under 60 and have a diagonal crease across the earlobe, you could be be at greater risk of coronary heart disease (CAD).


Suffering from infuriating tinnitus could indicate blood pressure issues – that’s if you haven’t just come back from a music festival.


Itchy ears might indicate the presence of a fungal infection.

Fungi (usually Aspergillus and Candida) grow and spread in the ear canal.


Some earwax is normal and beneficial.

The yellow stuff prevents bugs and dirt from entering the ear canals.

But earwax with a wet and sticky texture is not normal.

Some studies suggest wet wax might be sign of a mutation on the ABCC11 gene, which can increase your chances of developing breast cancer.


Spending too long in the sun and even getting embarrassed can turn the ears red – but so can suffering from red ear syndrome (RES).

RES is a rare condition that causes the the lobes to burn and ache.

But for some people the pain can be sharp and severe.

It can also spread from your lobes to your cheeks, jaw, or back of your head.


Ears that have a few skin tags – small, fleshy growths – may indicate the presence of kidney disease.

study by the British Medical Journal suggested this is especially the case for newborn babies.

Scientists have suggested this is because the development of the renal tract and ears while in the womb happens at the same time.

Therefore, any sort of disturbance or mishap during this time can lead to both the kidneys and ears being abnormal in some way.

Frank also highlighted that some causes simply can’t be controlled, including perimenopause, which can cause hearing damage.

Frank said: “If your audiologist says they can’t help you, try to find a tinnitus specialist who will help you. There are many out there.

“It sounds boastful but I am the best, but there are others out there who will be able to help.”

‘Reconnected with life, friends and family’

One of Frank’s patients Brendan Farrell, from Drogheda, Ireland, had chronic tinnitus that sounded like a very loud dog whistle.

The condition impacted Brendan’s everyday hearing and resulted in bouts of depression, for which he was prescribed antidepressants and sleeping tablets.

Frank’s treatment for Brendan included a highly-acclaimed Widex Zen Tinnitus Programme from one of the UK and Ireland’s leading hearing aid providers.

Frank’s treatment for Brendan included a QNAS (Quietness via Neuro Auditory Stimulation), a new type of method that involves using white noise devices to teach patients to ‘tune out’ of the irritating sound in their ears. 

Brendan’s treatment has transformed his life and he now feels “reconnected with life, friends and family”.

Finally, a customised treatment plan is implemented involving sound stimulation devices, including hearing aids and headsets, to reduce or even eliminate tinnitus symptoms.

Brendan’s treatment has transformed his life and he now feels “reconnected with life, friends and family”.

Brendan said: “I can now hear and enjoy everyday sounds such as leaves rustling, the TV and incoming phone calls.

“The tinnitus is much more manageable now and my new-found feeling of connectivity has made a massive difference to my life.

Research by charity Tinnitus UK last week revealed that patients with the distressing condition are facing delays of up to three years for specialist appointments.

Even when patients finally get treatment, 60 per cent of doctors are not able to offer standard levels of care because of staffing shortages, the report found.

Last year a survey of nearly 500 people with tinnitus revealed that one in five had had thoughts of suicide or harming themselves in the previous year, while eight out of ten experienced low mood or anxiety.

Where can you get your hearing tested?

THERE are numerous places you can go to for a hearing test – from high-street stores to private practices. Here’s our rundown of some of the most popular ones.

Your GP

Your doctor is a good first point of call if you are worried about your hearing. They can offer advice on where to go, but can also do some more tests to see if anything else is going on that’s causing hearing loss.


While they’re most well known for their optical services, Specsavers also do hearing tests. They are also completely free for anyone over 18 years of age. You can check out descriptions of some common ear conditions, as well as booking your test, here.


Another high-street favourite that offers free, 15-minute hearing assessments. Again, they suggest visiting the GP to rule out any other underlying health conditions. But if you’ve done that and still want to get your hearing checked, visit the Boots website.

Hidden Hearing

Hidden Hearing has hundreds of clinics all over the country, and offers customers a full consultation with a hearing care professional. It also provides the opportunity to try a hearing aid for 60 risk-free days. To find a clinic near you, click here. 

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